8 Reasons Why Marsaskala Is An Underappreciated Gem

8 Reasons Why Marsaskala Is An Underappreciated Gem

The past year has served as something of an unpleasant PR-blitz for the village of Marsaskala… what with the prospect of ‘American’ universities being built on its unspoilt land and all. But this doesn’t mean that the south-eastern town is getting the right attention, and nor the attention it fully deserves.

If you think this is all hyperbole, we challenge you to still stick by that conviction after you’ve rifled through these snaps.

Here are some of the reasons we believe Marsaskala to be an underappreciated gem.

1. The boats

Clear seas are great and all, but you can chase that blue horizon anywhere else in Malta. Meanwhile, the Marsaskala summer brings this personalized collage of boats out to play.

2. The Alien Landscape

‘Otherwordly’ is a cliché used too often to describe strange and lovely places, but doesn’t this just look like the surface of Mars?

3. The Style

Let’s be honest – Marsaskala may not be stuffed with baroque architectural masterpieces like Valletta or even its nearby Three Cities. But bookended by Zonqor Point on one end and St Thomas Bay on the other with the church spire watching over it from every angle, it just screams Mediterranean charm. Which brings us to…

4. Zonqor Point

There’s a reason why upwards of three thousand people rallied in Valletta to protest proposed development in this unspoilt area. Sure, it’s a bit on the grubby side and well-nigh impossible to negotiate through after the rain will have turned the road into impenetrable sludge. But that, in a way, is part of the point – this one of the few places on the island that remains well and truly ‘wild’.

5. St Thomas Bay

A popular swimming location, it’s worth a look even if you don’t feel like diving into the water. The rock formations that flank it are just gorgeous, and the surrounding walk equally so.

6. The skies

Sunrise or sunset… we challenge you to find a better view.

7. The food

But it’s not just about the waterfront walks. Marsaskala doesn’t skimp on the good food and drink. The chill-out vibes of Bongo Nyah in particular remain a favourite to say nothing of its rich and satisfying menu.

8. Gollum

The Jerma Palace may be a derelict eyesore, but at least it’s ow home to one of the most ambitious and inspired pieces of street art on the island.